Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Remove acne pimples homemade

« ...Another myth about acne treatment is frequent face washing. No person should ever do this. Over washing of the face causes your skin to dry. When this happens the sebaceous glands will work double time in order to replace the loss of natural oil in the skin which means your skin will be oily again. If possible choose a mild cleanser for the face. This prevents the unending cycle of excessive production of sebum....
...If you use any type of skin care products, make sure they are all natural. Many skin care products contain chemicals which strip the skin of its natural oils. If you use make up, make sure it is the kind that does not block your pores, as blocked pores will result in more acne. Ideally, avoiding all make up products is best....»
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«...Why do people choose natural treatments over store bought ones? While they are often less expensive, people choose natural treatments for a host of reasons that have nothing to do with cost. Health conscious individuals choose natural treatments because they are loathe putting chemicals on their skin. Adults choose natural treatments over store bought ones because most over the counter acne medications are made for teenage skin and can be drying to adults. Natural treatments are less harsh, less drying. The list is never ending....»
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tags: acne natural cures, prevent acne, skin care treatment for adult acne

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