Thursday, October 2, 2008

Acne bomb

« ...So how do you add in ginger to your everyday acne fighting tool box? This is how I do it, everyday I drink 4 - 6 cups of tea, I add in pure ginger juice and milk. Since ginger's taste might somewhat be unacceptable to your taste buds, the proportion of tea vs ginger juice should be 1 : 8 to start with. As time goes by and you are then starting to like or accept the taste of ginger, you can increase the proportion....
...Furthermore when you apply natural methods you're not just isolating your acne problem you are also helping to cleanse your body from the inside out. As you know four servings of fresh fruit and vegetables with ninety ounces of water per day will in and of itself make you feel and look better. By doing this you are promoting a healthy environment....»
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«...Acne can be an embarrassing condition for teens to experience. Dealing with acne is part of a teenagers daily life and effects their self-confidence, self-esteem and emotions. However, if you are still experiencing acne way beyond the teen years how do you cope?...»
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tags: areas affected by acne and pimples, acne differin medication, home remedies for curing acne

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