Saturday, September 27, 2008

Acne treatments if oral antibiotics don't work

« ...*Important Tip!* Make sure that you don't attack your skin with too many products. That will only irritate your skin further. Figure out what specific problems you have first, and then aim to treat them....
...It's easy to only focus on what we can see on our face when using acne treatments, but sometimes what is happening below the surface is just as important we just cannot see it. It's important that you give any new acne treatment at least 2 months to work before you try something else, because if you keep jumping from product to product you may never achieve the clear and clean skin you want....»
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«...One important factor is raising hormone levels. When you begin puberty, certain hormones increase in both males and females. These hormones trigger oil ducts on the face, back and upper chest to begin producing oil which can cause acne in some people....»
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tags: proactiv acne medication, colonics cure acne, how to remove brown marks left by acne

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